Smart Property


Capital Gains Tax (CGT) For Property Investors

Capital Gains Tax (CGT) is perhaps the most loathed property tax for investors, as it can take a sizeable chunk out of the portfolio you’ve worked so hard to build up over time if you decide to release any assets. You’ll be required to pay tax on the capital gain made at time of sale […]

Investment Strategy

What Is Negative Gearing And How Does It Work (With Examples)

Negative gearing is a property investment strategy where the loan interest cost and other expenses associated with holding a property exceed the rental income, thus producing a cash flow shortfall. Negative gearing has received a lot of bad press, with some social commentators suggesting it’s one of the primary reasons many young would-be homeowners are

Investment Strategy

The Complete Guide To Positive Cashflow Property Investment

Positive Cash Flow Investment Property is property that pays you every week, just to own it. That might sound great (and it certainly can be), but there is much more to cash flow positive property investment than meets the eye. In this article, we’ll explore what cashflow positive is (and is not), as well as

living room
Design & Construction

10 Investment Property Design Features That Increase Rental Yields

The rental property landscape is getting increasingly tougher and more competitive. With so many investing, competition is only set to intensify. Naturally, as an investor, you want to reap the highest possible return on your investment and there are numerous factors at play here. Every little thing matters, from the location (beachfront or heart of

property investor
Investor Mindset

How To Overcome Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt As A Property Investor

Property investment has proven to be one of the most successful vehicles for building wealth, freedom and security over the long term. And yet many would-be investors are derailed from their dreams by Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt.  In other words, it’s emotions that get the better of them, rather than the facts and figures. Aside from

tax benefits

Property Investment Tax Benefits 2019 (With Tax Deductions Checklist)

Property investment tax benefits are far from the only reason to invest in property, but they are one of the key financial levers for property investors. When high-flying businessman Kerry Packer was faced with charges of alleged tax evasion, he was infamously quoted as saying:  “I am not evading tax in any way, shape or

Investment Strategy

The Importance Of Yield In Property Investment

In a world of ever falling interest rates, more and more SMSF trustees are being pushed out of their comfort zone, having to move out of their cash investments and looking for more rewarding options. As of the time of writing this piece, CBA is offering a 3% p.a. return on its 12 months term

Investment Strategy

Why Is Servicing An SMSF Loan So Hard?

Servicing requirements for SMSF loans under the traditional LRBA structure are incredibly demanding which can be frustrating for SMSF trustees but when you crunch the figures it’s not so silly. How much an SMSF or individuals can borrow and therefore purchase for eventually comes down to two things: their incomes and their deposit. Deposit Most

property 1
Investment Strategy

Getting Past Investment Property #1

Many property investment books and magazines promote the dream of accumulating a multiple property portfolio.  A common strategy goes something like this: Acquire your first investment property As you build up more equity, refinance and put down a deposit on your next property Follow this plan to acquire 10 properties over a long timeframe –

data points
Property Investment

8 Data Points For Predicting Australia’s Next Boom Suburbs

“If only I’d bought in XYZ 10 years ago…”.  Such is the refrain of many a would-be property investor who missed out on getting into a particular property market before it boomed. At the present time it’s the Sydney and Melbourne markets that have surged ahead in recent years.  In hindsight it may have seemed

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